Theodore Roosevelt Park on West 81st Street

A moment in late March 2007, from when I lived in New York. Walking in the park you can feel you’re ready for spring, but it’s not quite there yet. The weather is not quite so cold, and you’re no longer bracing for snow. People’s attire isn’t so heavy any more. But the buds and […]

The Holiday Model Trains at the CITICORP Building in New York City

Something I do miss from when I was still in New York is the special moving model displays in the city at holiday time. Going back to when I was little, I am thinking about the window displays in the department stores along 5th Avenue especially, which had various playful scenes evocative of the holidays, […]

New Deep Space Exploration Society Building Update

After several years of planning and work, my DSES radio telescope group completed construction of its first new building on the original antenna site in Kiowa County. This will serve as our new operations building. It will also be a classroom and workshop for working with students and school classes, our radio communications building, and […]

The Behavior of a President

“Upon a certain occasion when President Lincoln was being shown over a man-of-war, he observed a closed, coffin-like box secured in a vertical position close alongside the ship’s galley. He asked what it was, and was told that it was a ‘sweat box’: that for certain offenses men were shut in the box and kept […]

A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love is the most profound in our lives. She takes us from when we are the most vulnerable, to her safe space where we can discover ourselves and the world around us, to eventually take our place in the world, and she leaves us to do the rest. We each have a mother […]

To become a Zen Master …

During my teens, I heard this story of how you become a Zen Master. After a long journey of many previous challenges and realizations, a Zen disciple comes to sit face to face with the Zen Master. The Zen Master is seated and has a bamboo stick next to him. The Zen Master asks the […]